Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 5, the ZOO..

We visited the Akron Zoo today.. I only have one picture off the card. One of all 4 of the boys..



Day 4...

We went to an Akron Aeros game yesterday. The Akron Aeros are a Double A Minor League affiliates for the Cleveland Indian's. They are doing AWESOME this year. Currently they are in first place in the EAS Souther Division..

Here's L in the van on the drive over..

Grandma planting a big kiss on B..
J got a ride on daddy's shoulder for the walk to the stadium..(yeah, it's a bit out of focus, but unfortunately I missed on the whole series, UGH)..

And, J with Gma and Gpa..
And what does a young man do at the ball game when your seats are just a few rows to the right of home plate? You yell at the opposing pitcher..and what do you yell? B yelled, "Pitcher's got a big butt, and pitcher's got a rubber arm'... Yeah, he had fun. We went with his ball team and it was so much fun. We pretty much had this whole section to ourselves and B loved being there with all of his buddies..



Sunday, June 22, 2008

1 Snapshot...

So, we went to a graduation party today for my nephew. We were rained out, well I guess RAINED IN. I didn't have my flash for bouncing but new I had to get at least one picture in..so I popped up the on camera flash and took this of my oldest. He enjoyed playing 'don't let the balloon touch the floor'... so here is my one snap of one of my boys from the day..

Have a great evening..


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Fun...Day 2, June 21, 2008..

Saturdays are always pretty busy around here... we usually have 2 ball games, BUT today we only had one..But that doesn't mean we weren't busy. We had an ice cream social to go to, a grad party AND D's baseball game. So we stayed pretty busy. And J stayed happy.. I just loaded the pictures on the computer and these are the only 2 I pulled from the folder and the second one isn't even in focus, OOPS...so we were busy, but it was fun..


Friday, June 20, 2008

Home fun and Just Hanging around at Grandma's house..-Day 1, June 20, 2008

So today marked the OFFICIAL First day of summer.. The boys were bored this morning. We went out and they pitched to me, then we just played catch.. Then all of us went to the side field and laid in the grass and talked. THEN I pulled out the camera... and here's what they gave me...


Yep, this IS what these boys do..




The we headed over to Grandma's for a cookout.. and J was having fun hanging on the pole for the hammock..


So, that's our first day of summer fun.. Tomorrow we have one Baseball game, D's last ball game of the season. Part great and part sad. He's had a great year and he says it's been his favorite of all 6 years he has played...

Have a great day..


Summer officially starts today, June 20, 2008..

What are we going to do? HAVE FUN. How can one not have fun with 4 boys? The boys 'SUMMER BREAK' started 2 weeks ago. What have they been doing so far? BASEBALL! So I'll start off by posting a picture from last night. (I haven't taken any yet today so last night will do for today's first post).

This is my 9 year old son and what he looks like when he catches a ball.. (excuse our family blog mark on it)..


